Auto Loan Tips For Subprime Borrowers

Few people have the financial resources available to pay cash for a new vehicle, so having access to an auto loan can be beneficial. Unfortunately, obtaining an auto loan can be challenging if you are considered a subprime borrower (meaning you have a poor credit rating). Here are three tips that you can use to help you successfully shop for an auto loan if your credit is less than perfect. [Read More]

Answers To Common Concerns About Title Loans

It is a reality that you may one day encounter short-term financial difficulties. Unfortunately, there are many individuals that may not be informed about the options when it comes to raising the money to address these temporary situations. In particular, title loans can be highly effective for helping you to quickly raise money. If this applies to you, it may be beneficial for you to learn the answers to a few common concerns that people may have when it comes to title loans. [Read More]

3 Things To Consider When Getting A Mortgage While Pregnant

Getting approved to purchase a new home can be a balancing act for many families. Lenders often look at your overall income compared to your current debt and family size to ensure that you will be able to make your monthly payments and not default on your loan. If you are pregnant, you are in a position where your financial situation may change rapidly after the birth of your baby. However, should you reveal your pregnancy to your mortgage broker? [Read More]

Different Types Of Short-Term Installment Loans And When Each Might Be Of Value To You

Installment loans are essentially any type of loan that is repaid in certain amounts over a set period. For example, loans you take out for the payment of a car, boat or motorcycle are often installment loans because you promise the bank or the credit union that you will pay "x" amount of dollars every month for the next several months or years. What you may not know about installment loans is that there are several types. [Read More]